Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dead End

Well we got information back on the UOO kids and one of the boys that we were interested in seems to like orphanage life in Ukraine. We've been down that road before and so we have decided not to pursue him.


Heidi and Felix said...

I totally understand. We are praying that your kid(s) are still out there, waiting to come home.


Twyla, John, Duncan, Mari, and Misha said...

Dear Jim and Teresa,

Unfortunately I don't get enough time to check in on everyone in a timely manner ... I just read your update and I am so sorry. Have you heard about Frontier Horizon? They are a non-profit, humanitarian hosting program that brings large groups of kids over twice a year. We had them check and see if the child we wanted to host was off the registry before we hosted her - just to be sure she was available. They are wonderful, and unless they are shut down (due to a family in Florida who decided they didn't want to send the 3 girls they were hosting home) it would be a wonderful way to host a child and build that bond.

We met at the Father Christmas event that FRUA had in Broomfield. Something will happen - don't give up! If not FH, there are other hosting programs!

Hope you both are well and that you are keeping your spirits up. You are in our thoughts and prayers again!

Twyla and John Barrett