Monday, July 6, 2009

UOO (Ukrainian Orphan Outreach) Camp

It's been a long, long time.

We are still figuring out what we want to do. Friday we went to our friends Heidi and Felix's home. They are part of an organization that brings kids to Colorado for a cultural exchange/summer camp. There are eight orphans visiting this summer. They are a nice group of kids and have been enjoying their time here. Events have included a trip to Miller farm to pick food, camping, the race track, shopping Walmart, crafts, church and the Zoo.

Check out their website for yourself:

I'll try to post a little more regularly. Teresa's folks 50th Anniversary is in about a week. Teresa is also doing two VBS programs this summer so we aren't going to be bored.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If your hearts are still wanting to adopt, please contact me. There is a better way. You can check my blog and read my story. My process has been difficult only in that my daughter was born in Kazastan. But, the choosing of the child was a piece of cake. She was praying for a family and we were praying for a child. And she wants to go to America with us! I hope you still want to adopt one of these kids! God Bless!