Monday, March 30, 2009

Teresa has a birthday we're so Glad

Yes today is Teresa's birthday and she's how many years old? OUCH THAT HURT!

We got to spend three hours with the boys today. Even without a translator it was pretty good. One of our boys does really well with a perfect pout if he doesn't get his way. Another is always trying to trade for something we have. Little does he know that it is all his with parental supervision in a few days.

We are now on daylight savings time here. So we were an hour late for everything and overstayed our welcome at the orphanage. And unless it causes problems later we are not sorry. Bad Americans, and we still don't keep the boys bundled and zipped like it's winter. It was nearly 60 today, that would be t-shirt and shorts weather for Denver.

The guys now know how to work the Ipod, mp3 player, camera and so forth. Yes I posted the ipod picture twice. Teresa's crash up cars were a big hit. We are still not sure that we are allowed to post pictures of the guys so all you get this time is an unidentifiable picture.


Kari said...

Happy Birthday, Teresa! Sounds like a great day-and 60 degrees-woo hoo! Hope you can find a nice restaurant to celebrate at.

Heidi and Felix said...

Happy Birthday, Teresa! Today is Nadia's birthday, too. Did you know that it is warmer in Ukraine than it is here! I'm hoping for 60's soon again. You missed the big snow shoveling episode!

See you guys soon!


StenB said...

Oh happy day, a birthday for Teresa. It doesn't matter how many years she has spent on this earth. Inconsequential.