Thursday, November 20, 2008

What we've been waiting for...

No not the squat toilet that Teresa got to use for the first time.


We will be traveling by train about 300 miles south of Kyiv on Sunday to Kherson and then about 50 kilometres to the orphanage. Oh yeah the WHO part of the question. There are three brothers we will be meeting with. This is not a done deal yet but we are very excited and hopeful. They are 5,7, and 9, years old.


Kari said...

That's all you're going to give us? We want to hear all about your appointment! Three boys, that is so exciting! We may be going near Kherson also. What is the name of the town?

Unknown said...

So glad to hear of your "excellent adventures"!

I hope you are having some fun, I know your prayers are being answered daily.

Thank you for keeping us updated!

Ed and Carol

ArtworkByRuth said...

Woo Hoo! The turkish toilet picture is gross BTW!
Can't wait to hear more about the boys! Praying for wisdom and peace!

Heidi and Felix said...

Congratulations on a successful SDA appointment! Enjoy exploring Kiev this weekend!
