Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Доброй Ночи, (Do-brey no-chee, Good Night)

Well I've been playing around with the computer for a few months and have been pleasantly surprised to learn that Microsoft includes other languages, alphabets and keyboards. I have reached the conclusion that my learning Russian or Ukrainian is much slower than most of the kids we've met. They pick up English in a matter of months.

The title of this post is a phrase I'll probably use alot. Ya nye pa-nyi-mai-yu means "I don't understand."

Being a little on the cheap side I printed out the Cyrillic alphabet on sticky paper and pasted them on the keyboard. Here's a picture of part of the keyboard. Sorry the lighting is on the poor side.

До Свидания (da sveeyi-dan-ya, Goodbye)



adopting2fromUkraine said...


I just found your blog today. Maybe they say good night that way, but our daughter says 'spa koinah noche'

What they tell you on translation sites and even 'learn Russian' tapes is not always correct.

I'll be looking forward to following your journey!


adopting2fromUkraine said...

I guess I should have looked at your picture more closely. We use an online keyboard. Found here:


Are you planning on learning to spell in Cyrillic? It is helpful to know the sounds of the alphabet when you are over there.

I worried about the keyboards at internet places, thinking that they were in Cyrillic. They're not. They are just like ours with the Cyrillic letters added to one corner of the key.
