Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kyiv, What recession

We are safe in our apartment in Kyiv. Flights were basically uneventful. They have poured alot of cement around the airport since april and there are still many cranes building apartment or condo developments on the ride in to the city. The rest of the country may be hurting but the capital is still growing.

Our appointment in tomorrow morning. Please pray the God will lead us, our facilitator and those at the state department for adoption.

Thank you all.

PS: Teresa has timed it well again. We leave and it starts snowing at home. Maybe they'll get more than a foot?


Heidi and Felix said...

Good timing, or God's plan for you? The latter I'm sure and He will provide for you and your children this time. I bet He was planning a certain child(ren) for you that have just become available. Blessings on your journey, we are praying for you.


Kari said...

Glad to hear you made it safely. Praying for your appointment tomorrow morning.

ArtworkByRuth said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to hear about your appointment. God bless!